Lenticular Postcard Prints
Lenticular Postcard Prints
Our series of Journey to Macau through ABC in 3d Lenticular form. This series aims to blend in Macau cultural heritage as well as Portuguese language recognition. The patterns are as follows:
A - Azulejo
B - Barco
C - Casa
D - Dragão
E - Escadaria
F - Flor de Lotus
G - Guia
H - Hac sa
I - Igreja
J - Jardim
K - Kun Iam
L - Largo
M - Minchee
N - Na tcha
O - Obras
P - Pasteis de Nata
Q - Quiosque
R - Ruinas
S - Serradura
T - Templo
U - Urso
V - Vinho
W - Waffle
X - Xarope de figo
Y - Yum Cha
Z - Zoologico
upon order of our discounted gift with purchase offer, you may add in notes form of which letters you wish to receive.